The dark moon, or new moon, marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next. It’s a time for journeying inside ourselves, reflection and divination. This ritual helps ease me into the new cycle, ready to start afresh.
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Go outside at dusk. Find the most nature-rich area available to you. This can be done anytime time from now until the evening of the dark moon. As you walk, pay attention to your senses. See shapes in the shadows. Listen to the crunch of the leaves. Smell the earth. Feel the bark of the trees and breathe in the magic of autumn at dusk.
As you take in the night, hunt for a tool to use for your ritual, dark in colour. Explore the earth, paying attention to any natural dark object you are drawn towards. It could be a rock, a fallen branch or a leaf—anything so long as it is procured ethically and doesn’t cause harm. Pick it up with intent, thanking the earth for gifting this to you. This object will represent the dark side of the moon and will be used in your ritual magic.
On the day of the dark moon, take your natural object, a candle and a box of matches. Before you begin your ritual, cleanse the room with smoke or sound healing music. Sit down on the floor with your ritual items in front of you. Place your natural object in the palm of your left hand and sit up tall, rooting the bottom of your spine firmly to the ground. Inhale deeply, and exhale slowly, using your breath to bring calm to you mind and centre yourself.
Imagine the Moon in the sky just above you. See her now in her current state, a dark silhouette. Sense the energy of the object in your left hand. Imagine the moon reflected down onto your object. Feel their mirrored power. Now draw your attention inwards. Scan your body for any areas of tension, anything that you may be holding onto that has manifested in parts of your physical body. If there is any negative energy or tightness in your body, become aware of it.
Once you have found what needs your attention, say in your own words, or these: ’tonight I honour the dark moon and release my body unto it.’ Breathe in deeply. Imagine that your inhalation is filling up the area of tension like a balloon. As you exhale, slowly release the tension pushing it down your left arm into your object. Repeated this process until you let everything go and your body feels relaxed.
Centre yourself once more and feel the lightness in your body. Imagine a point of light between your brows. Allow this light to spread and grow. Transfer your now heavily weighed down object into your right hand. Visualise the light from within you glowing inside the centre of the object. The light grows and spills out to the edges of the object. Let the the glow diminish and take a deep breath in the dark.
When you’re ready, place the newly transformed natural object on the floor in front of your candle. Pick up the matches and strike one. Say: ‘I feel the light in the darkness and find solace in dark rest.’ Light your candle. Let your eyes rest on the candle flame and set one intention for this new moon cycle. Thank the moon in your own way.
Now rest your released spirit. Let the single flame from the candle guide you through a dark night until it is time for sleep.
Phoebe of @earth.remedies is hosting a Winter Solstice Ceremony in preparation for Yule. It will be held on the evening of the full moon, 12th December. Craft a botanical wreath candle to take away and use on the day of the solstice. Cast a circle, learn fire breathing techniques and Yuletide yoga to warm up the body. Expect holiday cheer, tea and cake.